Out of this world: Geography is the only school subject that makes you feel like a contestant on a global scavenger hunt, armed with nothing but a map of Azerbaijan.
Out of this world: Geography is the only school subject that makes you feel like a contestant on a global scavenger hunt, armed with nothing but a map of Azerbaijan. And we’ve got amazing T-shirts with a mix of mountains, rivers, and mysterious border squiggles that decide you’re in Belgium. And the time zones? Don’t get me started. Why does Australia get to have Christmas during summer? Take continents, for example—these giant chunks of land that don’t quite fit together, like a jigsaw puzzle a toddler gives up on. Then there’s Antarctica, chilling alone, quietly wondering why penguins have all the fun while everyone else forgets it exists.
And we all pretend to understand latitude and longitude, two imaginary lines that help you feel like an international spy when you declare “45° N, 90° W!” instead of just saying “Wisconsin”. The best part about geography is that it reminds us that our planet is big, beautiful, and impossible to fully understand (give it up for our 4.6bn year old solar system). Take a look at our Geography T-shirt range with the finest words and exciting designs, vibrant colors along with quality production, then you’ll know you’re in the right place!