Hit the right note: A VOICEART T-shirt will remind yourself of the beauty and elegance of music. A universal language that transcends boundaries, touches hearts and souls and uplifts, heals, it connects people all around the world. Music can make you dance even if you have two left feet and no rhythm. It’s that magical thing that can turn a quiet car ride into a personal concert, where you definitely sound like a pop star (even if the driver next to you is pretending not to notice).
From the days of banging on drums in caves to today’s overproduced noise that can hit you with a rhythm stick, music always knows how to make an impact. Classical music? It’s basically the soundtrack that pretends you’re smarter than everyone else. “Oh, yes, I do appreciate a good sonata,” you say, while secretly wondering if Beethoven would have liked a good, crunchy bass drop. Then there’s pop and indie music, which promises to be deep and meaningful, yet leaves you wondering if the lyrics were written by a confused fortune cookie. Our vintage, amazing T-shirts, beautifully presented in the amazing print, will bring the finest music to your ears, eyes and voice.